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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Training Ourselves to Be Better Stewards

A large percentage of the changes required of human beings are simple common sense types of things that we honestly just dont pay any attention to anymore for whatever reason such as,being kind to one and other even when things may not be going well in our little piece of the world! or just being polite and saying please and thank you and excuse me or holding the door for a stranger be they male or female! and perhaps the toughest for many of you will be learning to be more civic minded in general and what i mean is,be a responsible community member and watch out for the best interests of your neighbors when they are away or even when they are home! even better because their children could be playing outside where its not as safe to do so as it once was even here in america and your vigilance and observation could have prevented their abduction or led to the capture and safe return of an innocent child? and i hate that our troubles run so deeply that i would even feel the need to distract anyone from the truth of the apathetic existence which many many seem to be completely at ease living but,another brutality that humans must also direct to start to make our world not just our country great is the way that far to many of you view the wildlife of north america and in particular the Wolves in general from Canis lupus the North American Gray wolf or the Red Wolf aka Canis Rufus or even Canis Lupus Baleyi the Mexican Gray wolf as Being some Kind of Demon Reincarnated that seeks to Steal and Eat your Children while you sleep soundly in your bed. All Variety or Genus of Wolf are in fact Essential to their Geographic Locations Ecological and Biological Diversity and Sustainability as They are Natures Balance Keepers the Managers of all that is Wild Through a natural process selecting the sick or the old from the herds of deer and elk allows both species to remain healthy and plentiful while helping to conserve the essential forage to feed only the healthy and strong.. We know this to be true yet we have allowed entire packs of Gray wolves to be wiped off the face of the planet forever because they have killed cows when these invasive cattle upon their arrival in wolf country immediately begin forcing out the natural herbivores like deer and elk that wolves need to sustain their families thus leaving these keystone predators with the choice of surviving or starving to death and the alphas male or female are always going to choose to feed their pack because survival is the most basic of instincts and any species placed into similar circumstances is going to choose to survive as well.. Why then are our Gray wolves still being Gunned Down on the West coast in Washington state and in Oregon and In Idaho over Alleged Depredations of Cattle by Wolves? Because Cattle ranchers are exploiting ancient Public land trusts Instead of Downsizing their Herds to allow them to be sustained on Ranch property Politicians Protecting this Industry came up with Allowing Public Lands to Be Used for Grazing of these Invaders  and they had no regard or consideration for any other species but for man and cattle which is glaringly obvious in the manor the various wildlife agencies of Oregon or Washington State or Idaho seem to repeatedly place the welfare of cattle above all Other Species Including Our Essential Gray Wolves It is A Disgrace that any Organization or Federal Agency that was Founded Upon The Principals of Conservation and or Preservation has Completely Lost All Semblance of Conservation or Preservation and adopted a Policy of Eradication of Keystone Species and Predator Hunts as a means to raise revenue is Counterproductive to the preservation of anything and Our Parks and Wilderness areas should not be maintained or managed by or through blood money earned by killing an innocent animal that like you and i also have a purpose on this planet... and The Ends Do Not Justify the Means Nor the Methods Being Employed in the Federal Governments Bid to Eradicate Gray Wolves So We have To Speak up for these Essential Predators or watch our Woodlands wither and die along with the multitude of indigenous inhabitants thereof  So Please Sign to Help To Stop the Slaughter of Wolves Just trying to Survive and feed their Families aka their pack..  https://www.change.org/p/the-president-of-the-united-states-of-america-end-the-occupation-of-public-lands-by-cattle?recruiter=1601035&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink  

Thank you Sincerely for your Time!
Mike the Werewolf Collins 

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