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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why Public Protest Has to Date Failed to Stop The Killing of Wolves

Until We can Produce Sufficient Numbers of Protesters that Can and Will Show Up? Public Protest Will Not Save Gray Wolves..
10 or 20 or 30 Just Will Not Gain any Political Allies Nor Will it Stop Anything that is Happening from Continuing and that is No One's fault We are Logistically and Financially Challenged and Many of Wolves Supporters are Unable to Travel Because of Medical issues Preventing Such things..
But Nearly everyone can get to the Store or Supermarket so,We Utilize Our Consumer Powers and Stay Away From The Beef Isle even if Just for a Week or Month The Impact You Help To Create or Strengthen actually with Your Actions Will Help Wolves To Be Around for the Next Generations of Both Humans and Animals. to Begin to Set Things Right We Must Act Now! and We Must be Heard and Seen Boycotting Beef..
Contact Your Congressmen or Women or Your District Representatives and tell them Why You are Boycotting Beef Because,Political Pressures to Salvage the Revenue lost to Our Boycott of Beef Could Just End This for Us long Before the Boycott is Strong Enough to Stop the Cattlemen!..

Friday, October 13, 2017

Four Varieties of Wolves Have Been Forced Into Extinction Here in North America

It is said that nothing worth doing is ever easy and i have found that to be true over the last 8 plus years of attempting to stop the unwarranted and unnecessary slaughter of north american wildlife mostly the embattled gray wolves or canis lupus of the pacific northwest. which i have witnessed being slaughtered as a means of stopping gray wolves from attacking and killing the cattle that are routinely grazed upon our public lands here in Oregon and in Idaho and Washington State from spring to the fall these unattended herds wreak havoc upon the landscape that no one pays any attention to? other then the Wolves that are in fact Killed by State Wildlife Department's Employees Year After Year in All 3 of The States i Listed Earlier and Year after year Nothing Substantial is Done by Us to Bring about an End to the Senseless Killings... It Has Been Tough to Fight a battle against Seemingly Impossible Odds With our Available Colleagues and Resources Often Missing in Action and Low Numbers Showing Up To Protest Publicly whenever Someone has Tried to Organize a Demonstration or Rally for Gray Wolves are Part of The Reason We are Still Losing The Fight Here In Oregon Where 10 Gray Wolves had Kill Orders Handed Down on Them by The WDFW on The Allegations of Cattle Depredations Many if Not All of The Wolves Were of the Harl Butte Pack of Northeastern Oregon....
In The Same Area of The State Just Over a Year Ago,The Imnaha Pack Was Slaughtered with the Exception of OR33 that
Escaped the Carnage Somehow Until a Poacher Killed her In The Wineema National Forest in Klamath County,Oregon this Year...
The Sherman Pack in Washington State is Ironically In the Same Area of the State Where Diamond M Cattle have Already Resulted in The Eradication of The Wedge Pack in 2012 The Profanity Peak Pack Probably The Huckleberry Packs Members that were Gunned Down SoYapoTimptke or "Wise Mother the packs Alpha Female" and a Young male... And Now The Sherman Pack will be Wiped out in Washington State and Here in Oregon We are Going to Lose the Harl Butte Pack Baring a Miracle....
Feeling Powerless I Decided To Boycott Beef to Financially affect the Industry most Culpable for the Continued Intolerance
Displayed by State Wildlife Officials in all 3 States Because we can not fight them where they live and breath Without the Financial Means With which to do it A Billion Dollar Industry Buys their Way through Political Scrutiny and Out of Taking responsibility for the Damage Done to Our Public Lands by these Herds of Invasive Cattle that are Commercially Produced for market Nearly Free of Charge Thanks to Public Land Trusts and the practice of Leasing Parcels of Public Lands that our Federal Land Management Departments Fail to Recognize as Essential Wildlife Habitat. Just Like They Failed To Realize the Long term Ramifications of such Practices Pertaining to Both the Land and The Wolves that Reside In Our Forests,Valleys and Meadows or Mountains Because of the Presence of these Herds Alone.... Without anything else being considered Renewable natural resources are essential to the continuing beauty and balance of north Americas wild places and renewable or sustainable natural resources can not exist without predators especially when that predator is labeled a keystone species which Gray Wolves are A Keystone Species yet still these fools sell out to the Beef Industry Destabilizing further the ecological systems in which they are playing God by their Killing over Conservation mindset only God Does not Kill or Order the Death of Other Living Creatures as do these Parasites that Actually Have Not the Qualifications To Hold the Positions they Currently hold in the WDFW or The ODFW or the IFG  and That is resoundingly Obvious to Anyone that Sees What Has Been Happening since the De-listing of Gray Wolves from the Protections of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 by the Obama Administration.... 4 Varieties of Wolves Have Already Been Forced Into Extinction Here in North America or Upon The North American Continent Starting With The Dire Wolf aka "Canis Dirus" to 1920 when the last of the Banks Island Wolves Of Canada "Canis Lupus Bernardi"Were Killed to 1935 when the Last Southern Rocky Mountain Wolf Was Killed to 1940 The Cascade Mountain Wolf Vanished forever "Canis Lupus Fuscus "Now Tell Me Again That Gray Wolves Will Never Be Driven To Extinction Here in Oregon or Washington State or Idaho Again.... BOYCOTTBEEF
Before Our Gray Wolves are Victimized Into Extinction......
Mike The Werewolf Collins