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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

the Deck is Now Seriously Stacked Against Us

how will we continue to progress towards the cleaner energy choices or putting an end to fracking with big oil executives in the position of Secretary of State? and for that matter what about the Endangered Species Act? what about Shelter Reform? or ending animal testing or trophy hunting? or bestiality or Breed Specific Legislation? or Dog Fighting on a National Level? GRRRR! i love a challenge but,it is going to be more then just a challenge if We can accomplish anything it will be miraculous and hard fought to say the least...
Politics nor politicians are greater then the Sum of humanity or the Planets Other Inhabitants Animals of the Land the Fish and Mammals of the Sea and the Birds of the Skies along with the Insects that We also need to keep harvesting produce or there will soon be a major food shortage upon planet earth and Our Choices will be very limited as far as vegetables are concerned which is not a good thing at all for the health of our species in general but it would mean even worse things to the Wolves unless We just Starve what will People eat? i will not break my boycott under any circumstances of the Beef industry Until such a time,as the Cattlemen's association comprehends and takes action to Cease all attacks upon Canis Lupus aka the North American Gray Wolf and or Canis Rufus aka the Red Wolf or Canis Lupus Bailyeyi aka the Mexican Gray Wolf!... 
oh and they are Lying regarding Mexican Gray Wolves being the same Genetically as the North American Gray Wolves that most of us Have in Our State Today! They are Very Similar! However all 3 Wolves found Here in the lower 48 are Similar! But,Genetically Different from one another none the less which Means that Lobo's are also
Extremely Important as are Red Wolves and there are by all reports only 45 or 46 of these Essential Predators left in their home range of the Southeastern United States and Coastal North Carolina... Remember No Matter how tough it gets that Wolves have it much worse then We do at this point! Lets make things a little easier on their ability to survive at least by Boycotting the Beef Industry Until They Relent in their Attacks and agree to refrain from such behaviors in the future! We have the Power to Force the Change that Wolves Need Just Do it People You Wont Have to be Without Beef for Long if People Would Get Busy Standing Up NOW!! Our Brethren Still Needs Our Strength and Wisdom and Determination more then ever brothers and sisters.....
Mike the Werewolf Collins 12/13/2016...... 

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