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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Werewolves Den : True Intellect Amounts to Much More then Two Words...

The Werewolves Den : True Intellect Amounts to Much More then Two Words...: Intelligence Quotient or I.Q.At Least Where Politicians are Concerned Actually Accounts for Very Little In The World Today.. We have All Wat...

True Intellect Amounts to Much More then Two Words

Intelligence Quotient or I.Q.At Least Where Politicians are Concerned Actually Accounts for Very Little In The World Today.. We have All Watched College Graduates With Degrees in Various Fields of Study That Scored Very Well on the I.Q.Testing Itself Yet,When These People were Tested on Real World Situations Where Every Second Could Make all the Difference and Pressures of Life Just seem to Unravel Them Stitch By Stitch Despite Their Einstein-ish Scoring on a Standardized Test They are Often Unable to Comprehend How or Where to Begin To Attack and Correct The Issues They faced Under Pressure...
We America are Supposed to According to Donald J Trump,Now Have The First Presidential Cabinet With I.Q.s That are All Off The Charts in The History of Presidential Cabinets So,Why Then is The Comprehension of Biological or Ecological Systems To the Point of Understanding That Natures Formula Can Not Be Altered Predators Are Essential To Maintaining the Balance and Diversity which makes up a Healthy and Sustainable Ecosystem??Because,There Is Not Enough Money or Power in Preserving Canis Lupus aka The North American Gray Wolf... Sorry But It Is Apparently True Or,The Species Never Would Have Been De-Listed In The First Place! There is No Bipartisan Support For Nature Among This Group of Baboons Let alone Support for Preserving Gray Wolves at the Moment However time to Change That...

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Middle Part of September around the 15th We are Going To Washington D.C. For Our Sacred and Essential Gray Wolves Survival May Just Depend Upon Our Doing Something Epic to Scream Our Support Loud Enough That POTUS and His Cabinet Resoundingly Cease Their Designed or Orchestrated Conspiring to Eradicate All Life Through The Forced Extinction of Gary wolves... 
Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/25/2017 ..    

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Werewolves Den : Training Ourselves to Be Better Stewards

The Werewolves Den : Training Ourselves to Be Better Stewards: A large percentage of the changes required of human beings are simple common sense types of things that we honestly just dont pay any attent...

Training Ourselves to Be Better Stewards

A large percentage of the changes required of human beings are simple common sense types of things that we honestly just dont pay any attention to anymore for whatever reason such as,being kind to one and other even when things may not be going well in our little piece of the world! or just being polite and saying please and thank you and excuse me or holding the door for a stranger be they male or female! and perhaps the toughest for many of you will be learning to be more civic minded in general and what i mean is,be a responsible community member and watch out for the best interests of your neighbors when they are away or even when they are home! even better because their children could be playing outside where its not as safe to do so as it once was even here in america and your vigilance and observation could have prevented their abduction or led to the capture and safe return of an innocent child? and i hate that our troubles run so deeply that i would even feel the need to distract anyone from the truth of the apathetic existence which many many seem to be completely at ease living but,another brutality that humans must also direct to start to make our world not just our country great is the way that far to many of you view the wildlife of north america and in particular the Wolves in general from Canis lupus the North American Gray wolf or the Red Wolf aka Canis Rufus or even Canis Lupus Baleyi the Mexican Gray wolf as Being some Kind of Demon Reincarnated that seeks to Steal and Eat your Children while you sleep soundly in your bed. All Variety or Genus of Wolf are in fact Essential to their Geographic Locations Ecological and Biological Diversity and Sustainability as They are Natures Balance Keepers the Managers of all that is Wild Through a natural process selecting the sick or the old from the herds of deer and elk allows both species to remain healthy and plentiful while helping to conserve the essential forage to feed only the healthy and strong.. We know this to be true yet we have allowed entire packs of Gray wolves to be wiped off the face of the planet forever because they have killed cows when these invasive cattle upon their arrival in wolf country immediately begin forcing out the natural herbivores like deer and elk that wolves need to sustain their families thus leaving these keystone predators with the choice of surviving or starving to death and the alphas male or female are always going to choose to feed their pack because survival is the most basic of instincts and any species placed into similar circumstances is going to choose to survive as well.. Why then are our Gray wolves still being Gunned Down on the West coast in Washington state and in Oregon and In Idaho over Alleged Depredations of Cattle by Wolves? Because Cattle ranchers are exploiting ancient Public land trusts Instead of Downsizing their Herds to allow them to be sustained on Ranch property Politicians Protecting this Industry came up with Allowing Public Lands to Be Used for Grazing of these Invaders  and they had no regard or consideration for any other species but for man and cattle which is glaringly obvious in the manor the various wildlife agencies of Oregon or Washington State or Idaho seem to repeatedly place the welfare of cattle above all Other Species Including Our Essential Gray Wolves It is A Disgrace that any Organization or Federal Agency that was Founded Upon The Principals of Conservation and or Preservation has Completely Lost All Semblance of Conservation or Preservation and adopted a Policy of Eradication of Keystone Species and Predator Hunts as a means to raise revenue is Counterproductive to the preservation of anything and Our Parks and Wilderness areas should not be maintained or managed by or through blood money earned by killing an innocent animal that like you and i also have a purpose on this planet... and The Ends Do Not Justify the Means Nor the Methods Being Employed in the Federal Governments Bid to Eradicate Gray Wolves So We have To Speak up for these Essential Predators or watch our Woodlands wither and die along with the multitude of indigenous inhabitants thereof  So Please Sign to Help To Stop the Slaughter of Wolves Just trying to Survive and feed their Families aka their pack..  https://www.change.org/p/the-president-of-the-united-states-of-america-end-the-occupation-of-public-lands-by-cattle?recruiter=1601035&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink  

Thank you Sincerely for your Time!
Mike the Werewolf Collins 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Werewolves Den : Journey Changed the Perception of Many People Abou...

The Werewolves Den : Journey Changed the Perception of Many People Abou...: in many ways the 7th wolf ever collared in Oregon has been an ambassador for the Species allowing People to know that a Wolf is in the area ...

Journey Changed the Perception of Many People About the Agenda of Gray Wolves

in many ways the 7th wolf ever collared in Oregon has been an ambassador for the Species allowing People to know that a Wolf is in the area the Media was all over the Young male offspring of O.R.2 and O.R.4 the mated pair of Gray Wolves that Made Up the Imnaha Pack of Northeastern Oregon's hierarchy while Journey was searching for his mate and a territory of his own in which to raise their young and Build their Pack Together Which they Found in the Rogue River National Forest..
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Dubbed the Young Pack"the Rogue Pack" and 5 years after his birth Journey and His Mate Have their first Litter of pups its odd that He would be nearly half his Lifespan just Looking for his Life Partner or Mate when most males of his species would have already had at least 3 litters as they would begin mating by the time Wolves are in their third season or year and even sooner depending upon many factors so,O.R.7 aka Journey was a Slow Starter but Remember He Roamed California's Northern Boundaries for Nearly a Year before Returning to Settle in the Rogue River National Forest with His new mate and Thankfully So,Because,Californians soon after Decided that 90 Years Without a Wolf in The State Was Perhaps to long and They Immediately Established Protections and Today in Shasta County California for the First Time in 90 Years a Wolf Pack Resides in The Area The Shasta Pack is the First but,I Hope That They will Not be The Last ones to Call the State that i was Born in Their Home... After Watching Retracing Journeys Steps i was Overwhelmed to Hear the Participants Speak of O.R.4 and O.R.2 Journeys Parents Because We know what Happened to both of them at the hands of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife The Entire Imnaha Pack was Gunned Down Behind Allegations of Cattle Depredations in Northeastern Oregon which Honestly left a Scar upon my Soul the knowing that My Species had Become so Uncaring and Cold and Foolish That We Found a Solution in Murdering these Essential Predators Rather then Tolerating Their Presence and allowing them to Serve the Purpose that Nature assigned to Wolves as Resource Management Specialists Because,the Cattle were Seen to Be of Greater Importance being a Staple of the Diets of many American households for hundreds of years until Recent years have seen these Cattle begin to Invade Wolf Country and the end result each and every time has been the killing of the Wolf or Wolves even the entire Pack to Protect these Invasive Animals over the Rightful Inhabitants of the public lands these Cattle at the hands of their owners Are taking away from our sacred Wolves through unfair and purposeful placement of their herds for grazing purposes in the immediate vicinity of a Packs Den Site Knowing Perfectly how these Animals will respond and Counting on that exact behavior to Result in Attacks upon the very Cattle that is basically being used to bait the Wolves into such an attack which is absolutely not the moral thing to do nor is it the Mark of a Compassionate person but rather a Scheming Deceitful Fraud and a Murderer 
but your not just Murdering Wolves You are Actually Killing the Chances for Sustainability to Exist anywhere in North America meaning you are killing the very Animals that you Hunt to feed your families such as Deer and Elk only they are not dying from bullets or poison or traps they are going to die due to over population and the resulting depletion of the forage they require to sustain their Species being Consumed by Invasive Cattle as well as the native herbivores that without wolves have over populated Stripping the land and leading to death and disease from starvation and related illnesses or ailments for every single grass eater or herbivore within that ecosystem without the management of resources being handled by Wolves...
Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/14/2017........


The Werewolves Den : There Are Killers Running and Working for the USDA...

The Werewolves Den : There Are Killers Running and Working for the USDA...: Tom Villsack and His Goons @ the United States Department  Of Agriculture's Wildlife Services Division Should Not Only Be Terminated Imm...

There Are Killers Running and Working for the USDA-WS

Tom Villsack and His Goons @ the United States Department 
Of Agriculture's Wildlife Services Division Should Not Only Be
Terminated Immediately but Perhaps he Should Be Prosecuted
for Numerous Federal Regulations Which they Repeatedly 
Violate Whether Its Through The Intentional Targeting of an 
Endangered Species i.e.a Mountain Lion or Cougar if you Prefer
or The Unlawful Gunning Down of Peoples Pets not to Mention the 

Adoption of the Techniques Used North of The Canadian Border
Like the Judas Wolf which Is The Collaring of a Wolf to Track The
Packs Den Location to Slaughter the Entire Pack Without Any
Regard for Their Roles In Natures Equation or their Rights to Live
Without Being Victimized By CATTLE or Corrupted Entity's Like the
USDA-WSD Has Been Under Secretary Villsack Corrupted and
Destructive! Please Sign This Petition to At Least Shine the Light
of Public Knowledge upon This Darkness and Drag it Into the Light
of Humanity....

Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/13/2017....... 

The Werewolves Den : Saving Gray Wolves from Governmental Pandering to ...

The Werewolves Den : Saving Gray Wolves from Governmental Pandering to ...: This is Truly the Fight of Our Lives That is To Damned Important to Quit as Natures Balance Depends Upon Predators such as Gray Wolves and R...

Saving Gray Wolves from Governmental Pandering to the Beef Industry

This is Truly the Fight of Our Lives That is To Damned
Important to Quit as Natures Balance Depends Upon
Predators such as Gray Wolves and Red Wolves and
Mexican Grays to Maintain the Delicate Balance that is
Sustainable and Diverse and Healthy within the Ecosystems
they Inhabit and Without These Keystone Predators all the
Herbivores from Deer to Big Horn Sheep Will Overpopulate 
and As a Result,their Food will Soon Also Vanish under the
Enormous Herd Sizes Leaving Starvation and Diseases to End
Many Species Presence here upon planet earth INCLUDING
SURVIVE! Did Not Think About That Did you Ranchers? Well
You had Better Start Realizing the Science is Derived from
Observed Behaviors Patterns and Tendencies of The Gray 
Wolves of North America and Logic and Common Sense are
Always Included and it Does Not Require a Degree in Biology 
to Comprehend Exactly What will Happen When There are To
Many of Any Species to Feed them All on the Available Forage 
DEATH and the Possibility of Extinction of All Dependent Species
That Also Relied On the Grasses to Sustain themselves Daily...
One more thing Brothers and Sisters"You are Making This 
Harder then it has to be on Our Wolves By Not JOINING the 
Boycott of the Beef Industry That Would Have this over By Now
and Wolves would Be Out of the Cross-hairs of Ranchers as
they can not Afford to Watch their Precious Profits go Down
the Tubes Unless they Desire Bankruptcy to be The End 
Results of their Billion Dollar Industries Turf Battle with Our
Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/13/2017......

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Werewolves Den : A Philanthropist is Defined as a Lover of Humanity...

The Werewolves Den : A Philanthropist is Defined as a Lover of Humanity...: No One that Truly Loved Humanity Would Hoard Wealth or  Swindle Investors Out of Their Life Savings or A Single Penny of Their Savings fo...

The Werewolves Den : the Substance of Sustenance

The Werewolves Den : the Substance of Sustenance: For Years Now Human Beings Have Disconnected From All that Disrupts their Blissful Existence like What they Perceive to be Negativity or De...

the Substance of Sustenance

For Years Now Human Beings Have Disconnected From All that Disrupts their Blissful Existence like What they Perceive to be Negativity or Deceitful or Inconsiderate Disruptions to Their Bleak and Short Sighted View of the Worlds Many Cultures and Peoples Because of a Lack of Understanding of those Other ways and Views that Even in this 21st Century Still Exists...

We Must Begin to Step Outside of Our Comfort Zones to Understand Better these Cultures and Peoples that Inhabit This Planet along Side of Us All and That is Also True of the Animals that Also Share This Planet with Us All Side by Side Without Malicious Intent or Misconceptions Remaining as The Great Dividing Quagmire of which Destroyed Our Species Opportunity at Evolution's Possible Upgrading of Our Species Because there is No Way that Sub-Humans That Get Off On Killing Wolves or Bear or Giraffes or Rhino are Simply Going to Stop Their Murderous Rampaging through the Worlds Wildlife Without Being Forced to Do So Either by Moralities Eventual Influence or Legislation Which Truly Protects and Preserves Animals of this World From Extinction Driven By Mankind's Blood-lust and or Arrogance and Ignorance Through Poaching and Trophy Hunting and Trapping and Poisoning of the Multitude of Varying Animals and many Varieties of Predators and Since Natural Balance Ecologically can Only Be Maintained or Restored by Wolves and Other Predators if Sustainability is to Be Recognized and Diversity is to Strengthen Many Species Again Through Evolution... Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/9/2017......


A Philanthropist is Defined as a Lover of Humanity

No One that Truly Loved Humanity Would Hoard Wealth or 
Swindle Investors Out of Their Life Savings or A Single Penny of
Their Savings for that Matter However,There is The Case of The
President Elect Donald Trump the Self Proclaimed Philanthropist that Managed to Piss off Half the Country and Still Win the Election Despite Losing the Popular Vote By a Wide Margin Encompassing Nearly 2 Million Votes an Outcome that Would Have Been Impossible Without The
Electoral College Who's Delegates Clearly Mistrusted or Disliked
Hillary Clinton or Perhaps They Just Trusted Trump More Regardless,Trump will Be Sworn Into Office Later in the Month 
And Time is Growing Short to Formulate a Strategy to Defend all Our Nations Natural Resources From Fresh Water to Wildlife and Without Violence or Destruction of Property Being Considered as an Option Regardless of How Aggressive and or Mean The Opposition May Become to Our Agenda Because,while Peaceful Protests have Produced Targeted Results for Leaders of the Past Remember They Were Protesting Human Rights Violations and Segregation and Racism! Not Animal Rights...
 And while many People Care a Great deal for the Animals of the World,I Dont think all Humans are Ready to Extend Tolerance or
Compassion towards an Animal that they Fear Regardless of the
Reasoning for that Fears Existence in their Psyche! and Yes They are Coming Around Slowly To The Understanding that All
Living Things Posses a Soul But,Still Dont Fully Comprehend Why Any Animal Would be Seen as Having more Importance then Human Beings here Upon Planet Earth Despite the Available Data? Gathered Scientific Research Conducted in the Field That has Been Compiled Throughout Our History on Every Single Species that the Scientific Community could Find to Study and All of that Data Suggest that Predators Are Essential to both
Diversity and Sustainability and That To Maintain or Restore that Delicate Balance to Any Ecosystem Without Predators Like
The North American Gray Wolf aka Canis Lupus Being Present
in Said Ecosystem...
 Gray Wolves are not Residents of Every State Because,they Are Not Needed in Every Single State When,Other areas Have Drier Climate Suited better to another Genus or variety of Wolves for more Temperate Climates Hold Smaller Prey Animals and Desert
Climates would hold Zero Herbivores and Little Water Which is Why the Mexican Gray Wolf aka Canis Lupus Baileyi Could be
Flourishing without Governmental Pressures and Special Interest
from Trophy Hunters and Poachers in The New Mexico Arizona
Region of the Country or the South Western United States....
Being Smaller these Wolves do Not Require the Amount of Food
Or water That a Larger Wolf would in a Day to survive....
In the South Eastern Region of the Country up To Coastal North
Carolina The Red Wolf aka Canis Rufus Acts as Natures Guardian of the Essential Delicate Balance Required to Ensure
Sustainability and Diversity are Maintained with Everything that
Began Within said Ecosystem Present and Conserved ! be it Plant or Animal or Insect by the Management of Predators of The area
Wolves or Bears or Cougars or in Combination Depending Upon
the Regions Wildlife Composition with the Exception,That Wolves and Cougars Do Not Exist in the Same Proximity Ever by
The Choice of the Cougar"That Will Vacate Any Area Inhabited by Wolves Immediately Upon Discovery of even a Single Wolf...
So,Why am I Talking About Wolves When I Started With the
Definition of Philanthropist "To Truly Love Humanity One Must
Also Love The Wild Life That Manage The Resources of the Natural World "Because,Without Keystone Species The Entirety
Would Collapse of All Ecosystems Leaving Diminishing Amounts
of  Available Sustenance Until All is Gone and Humanity Will be
No More! As there Will Be No More Human Beings left Alive... 
 Deceit Will Never Convince a Spirit that is Pure and Good that 
Evil should Be Acknowledged as Anything But Evil Regardless of
Appearance or Politics or Financial Wealth or Geographic Location Upon this Earth Because,Natural is the Spirit of Knowledge and Tolerance and Understanding that We are All a 
Part of !We That Are Brethren of The Wolf and the Raven and
The Dolphin and Whale and The Bear and Cougar Forever.....
Mike the Werewolf Collins 1/9/2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Werewolves Den : Obviously Money Can Not Buy Intellect

The Werewolves Den : Obviously Money Can Not Buy Intellect: Which is Glaringly Evidenced by The President Elects Inability to See or Hear the Truth as it Pertains to the Worlds Population in Regards t...

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Werewolves Den : Welfare Ranching is Destabilizing our Forests and ...

The Werewolves Den : Welfare Ranching is Destabilizing our Forests and ...: Remember that Ranchers are Reimbursed for losses resulting from Depredation on their livestock by the federal government so,Stop with the Po...

The Werewolves Den : the Deck is Now Seriously Stacked Against Us

The Werewolves Den : the Deck is Now Seriously Stacked Against Us: how will we continue to progress towards the cleaner energy choices or putting an end to fracking with big oil executives in the position of...

The Werewolves Den : We Can Not Allow Politicians to Set Their Own Stan...

The Werewolves Den : We Can Not Allow Politicians to Set Their Own Stan...: The GOP and Their Attack Upon The Ethical Oversight WatchDog that Handles the Complaints of Violations of The Ethical Responsibilities and O...

We Can Not Allow Politicians to Set Their Own Standards People any Longer

The GOP and Their Attack Upon The Ethical Oversight WatchDog that Handles the Complaints of Violations of The Ethical Responsibilities and Or Morality Issues is Seriously Troubling I Mean, Unless They Already Have Something to be Ashamed of? Or Perhaps They Realize That When These Charges are levied Against a Publicly Elected Official by Constituents or Colleagues against Any Politician That You or I Or Anyone else May Believe to be Guilty of Such Violations of The Public's Trust and or The Offices Duties ? There Must be Investigations and Repercussions Handed Down to Anyone Complicit in the Blatant Deception of The American public or Anyone That Knowingly and Maliciously Intends to Act or Behave in a Manor Not Conducive to Your Constituents Best Interests Being Served while you have Been Telling Them You Act In Their Best Interest!..
Dangerous and Egregious Chances are Being taken With Our Natural Resources from Our Wildlife to Our Fresh Water and even Greater Risks are Coming Like the Weakening of the E.P.A. or The E.S.A. Being Dismantled which they have Been Chipping away at Now For 8 Years with a snip snip here and a bang bang there here a Bribe there a Bribe Everywhere a Bribe bribe!! And,You Say Nothing While Yet Another Wolf Pack is Eradicated before Our very Eyes?? And while Oil leaks from a pipeline causing ecological systems to degenerate and even become toxic to the point of nothing growing there anymore?? Still You are Silent about Such Violations of the Public's Trust America? How Many Leaks Are Required Before You Help Us Put an End to Corrupted Peoples and Their Agendas Because,Politicians Are Not Above the Law Especially Considering the amount of Money They are Paid By US for Doing Nothing That We Ask of Them Whatsoever..
   Mike the Werewolf Collins