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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Protect the Wolves

Nothing in my life has meant as much to me as animal welfare! I am Human only with the soul of an animal living inside of My Body as There exists No need to Murder My Fellow Inhabitants that you all have no respect for to the point that you will kill anything that you fear or can not understand regardless of the Science advising against such foolishness...
Wolves have every right to attack and eat those cattle because they are driving away the wolves natural food supply with their presence in our forests and woodlands and valleys! Consuming the forage meant for indigenous animals to have to sustain themselves and their families while forcing the deer and elk to vacate the area as they know where cattle are found humans are not far behind! and Humans Kill for Fun and Sport even the least dangerous of natures Creatures without even an ounce of concern or a seconds hesitation...
And,We have a Responsibility to The Natural World to Maintain a Certain sense of balance and Diversity within the Realm of the natures children that quite frankly,We have not handled very well Humans!! However,We are Still Standing at the Precipice of Change with All Our Collective Strengths and None of Normal Humans Weaknesses So,Lets Make it Known That We are The Voice of the Changes that Must Be Initiated and Adhered to for all future generations of  both Wolves and Wildlife and of course our Children's children...
And,Never Fear the Perception of Society because,that will silence your voices and ignore your hearts direction causing much more harm then good to the very causes which we defend and to Yourself! the Guilt and Worry will Consume Your True Identity leaving you empty and unsatisfied and with little time left to Live because,We failed the Environment and the Wildlife while we failed ourselves in truth...
To those of you that do not know me? I am a wolf advocate because in the web that is our Universe All Creatures are Equal and Deserve the Right to live Free of Human Persecution and Murder Period as That is Gods Law and Men are Not Gods We are but Humble Servants to his will! Respecting the Natural worlds Inhabitants as they have Respected us since the dawn of Time until The End of Time if Necessary I will Fight Using the tools that I Was Blessed with My heart and soul and Knowledge to Free them all Before I am Done from Mankind's Ignorance and Greed and the Torment which You so Joyfully Inflict Upon my Brethren be they Canines or Canis Lupus aka Gray Wolves!
I will Never Relent Until All Animals are again Free to Live....
The Only thing I Fear is Leaving this Imbalanced World to My Children's Children!... Mike the Werewolf Collins 9/5/2016......

1 comment:

  1. posted this to facebook.com and Google+ and Pinterest Board"Save the Wolves of the World" and Tweeted...
