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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welfare Ranching is Destabilizing our Forests and Streams and Killing Our Wolves

Remember that Ranchers are Reimbursed for losses resulting from Depredation on their livestock by the federal government so,Stop with the Poor Rancher Mentality because it is Bullshit and!Its a Falsehood and Untruth is Allowing these ranchers to gain Your Sympathy while they give none to The Wolves...
And,all of these Wolf Advisory Committees or Panels if you will Are Tainted by either ranchers or Hunters that believe they have a right to kill wolves for fun or sport so,Tell Me Now That These ranchers Deserve Your Protection or Sympathy!! Deception Has Had you all By the Throat When Our Wolves Need You Desperately to Help them Raise their Families in Peace...
And,Again I Do not hate Ranchers! I Despise Their Greed and their Perception of Entitlement to Our Nations Natural Resources! That Absolutely Infuriates Me!! Why?"Because They ARE Destroying Vital Habitat of Native Fish and many other species as well by Consuming that which was Never Intended to Feed Bovine Herds!! and Note the Total Percentage of Cattle Lost to Depredation is Less Then 4 % and That Includes Cougars and Bears and Wolves that between all three Species the total Cattle Killed is Less then 4% which should not mean that wolves deserve to be eradicated it means that Cattle Need to find Somewhere else to Graze because the Price is to high and Unwarranted not to Mention Unfair to the Native Wildlife! all of it...... 

 Understanding the Importance of all Creatures in Natures chain to the overall success or failure of every ecosystem on earth is Crucial for everyone to comprehend as soon as possible because therein lies wolves salvation Because again education will lead to Change and Humans like us will be Lighting the way for as Long as it is Necessary to Benefit everyone and everything Living here with us all Creatures great or Small have the Right to Live Free of Mankind's Hatred or Intolerance and regardless of Species or Geographic Location this will Always Be True and I Will Always Speak Out when We are Faltering as a Species as We are Today.... You are Better then What is Being Seen By the World from Those Running This Nation Into the Ground for Profit and Political favor...... Mike the Werewolf Collins 9/6/2016...... 


  1. This One also just went out Via every single site i am registered with...

  2. Mike Collins you have to be the biggest moron I have ever seen. why don't you get a job you welfare loser? We are killing the shit out of your precious wolves in Idaho and will be doing the same in Oregon too. Get a life loser.

    1. Want to see a real moron? Look in the mirror.

    2. perhaps you are illiterate as it is entirely to obvious that your Brain is the size of a Pea and Yet you call Me the Moron? ROFLMAO and I Have a Life Punk Ridding The World of Parasites Like You

    3. ruj1970 So Why are You Hiding tough Guy...
      Because That is What Cowards Do..

    4. Nothing speaks coward louder than keyboard warriors who post anonymously.
