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the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth in 2016! But,Factually...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

the Deck is Now Seriously Stacked Against Us

how will we continue to progress towards the cleaner energy choices or putting an end to fracking with big oil executives in the position of Secretary of State? and for that matter what about the Endangered Species Act? what about Shelter Reform? or ending animal testing or trophy hunting? or bestiality or Breed Specific Legislation? or Dog Fighting on a National Level? GRRRR! i love a challenge but,it is going to be more then just a challenge if We can accomplish anything it will be miraculous and hard fought to say the least...
Politics nor politicians are greater then the Sum of humanity or the Planets Other Inhabitants Animals of the Land the Fish and Mammals of the Sea and the Birds of the Skies along with the Insects that We also need to keep harvesting produce or there will soon be a major food shortage upon planet earth and Our Choices will be very limited as far as vegetables are concerned which is not a good thing at all for the health of our species in general but it would mean even worse things to the Wolves unless We just Starve what will People eat? i will not break my boycott under any circumstances of the Beef industry Until such a time,as the Cattlemen's association comprehends and takes action to Cease all attacks upon Canis Lupus aka the North American Gray Wolf and or Canis Rufus aka the Red Wolf or Canis Lupus Bailyeyi aka the Mexican Gray Wolf!... 
oh and they are Lying regarding Mexican Gray Wolves being the same Genetically as the North American Gray Wolves that most of us Have in Our State Today! They are Very Similar! However all 3 Wolves found Here in the lower 48 are Similar! But,Genetically Different from one another none the less which Means that Lobo's are also
Extremely Important as are Red Wolves and there are by all reports only 45 or 46 of these Essential Predators left in their home range of the Southeastern United States and Coastal North Carolina... Remember No Matter how tough it gets that Wolves have it much worse then We do at this point! Lets make things a little easier on their ability to survive at least by Boycotting the Beef Industry Until They Relent in their Attacks and agree to refrain from such behaviors in the future! We have the Power to Force the Change that Wolves Need Just Do it People You Wont Have to be Without Beef for Long if People Would Get Busy Standing Up NOW!! Our Brethren Still Needs Our Strength and Wisdom and Determination more then ever brothers and sisters.....
Mike the Werewolf Collins 12/13/2016...... 

Friday, October 28, 2016

We Can Look Away No Longer

Each one of Us Must take The Lead in Educating Our fellow Men and Women Especially The Activists and Advocates Among Us! as Change is No Longer a Choice but a Necessity to Ensure The Survival of All Living Things Upon Planet Earth...
We Continue to Allow the Statements of Politicians to Divide Our Ranks Despite the Fact that,This is Not a Partisan Problem But a Human Problem! and We The People Hold the Solution Just Dare to Persevere in this Endeavor And Through Awareness Will Come The Change We Must See to Reach Our Destiny Together for the Greater Good of All Living Things...
So,Fight Like Warriors but,Use No Weapons Other then Your Heart and Mind to Wage This War as Nothing Else Is Required! Knowledge Leads to True Power and We Hold the Knowledge to Save the World Brothers and Sisters"Let us Not waste it!"...
Mike the Werewolf Collins 10/28/2016......

Saturday, September 17, 2016

What Good Then is Science?

I have always been fascinated by science and the reason for my interest is really simple,its the research involved which highlights the manor or means the knowledge becomes a road map of sorts that if we follow would allow our species to evolve in a more peaceful and inclusive way! and on a planet that was not being thrashed daily by arrogance and greed...
People spend upwards of 300.000 dollars on an education and in the end the education they chose is outdated by corruption and ignorance? biologists that have extensively studied canis lupus or
the North American Gray wolf if you prefer have consistently shown that wolves are essential to establishing and maintaining balance and diversity both biologically and ecologically within any given region or geographic area of the species original home range...
Today's politicians do not heed the warnings of biologists or botanists or climatologists or the overwhelming evidence that ocean temperatures continue to rise! polar ice is still melting and lets face it even our weather has changed here in North America i believe Oregon again had the warmest winter on record and i expect the same which is not good this area of the State has always been deep in snow most of the winter which is probably why there is the ski hill Warner mountain that by the way has not seen solid business for about 4 years now because of the lack of snow fall let alone snow pack hitting this area...
But,again they say its not climate change and continue to destroy the earth by fracking and drilling to locate more Crude Oil Deposits or Oil sands or anything they can make a buck off of and that mentality is destroying everything....
We Must Change And Politicians Better Wake Up Or We are All Going to Live to Regret Their Failures....
 Mike the Werewolf Collins 9/17/2016.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welfare Ranching is Destabilizing our Forests and Streams and Killing Our Wolves

Remember that Ranchers are Reimbursed for losses resulting from Depredation on their livestock by the federal government so,Stop with the Poor Rancher Mentality because it is Bullshit and!Its a Falsehood and Untruth is Allowing these ranchers to gain Your Sympathy while they give none to The Wolves...
And,all of these Wolf Advisory Committees or Panels if you will Are Tainted by either ranchers or Hunters that believe they have a right to kill wolves for fun or sport so,Tell Me Now That These ranchers Deserve Your Protection or Sympathy!! Deception Has Had you all By the Throat When Our Wolves Need You Desperately to Help them Raise their Families in Peace...
And,Again I Do not hate Ranchers! I Despise Their Greed and their Perception of Entitlement to Our Nations Natural Resources! That Absolutely Infuriates Me!! Why?"Because They ARE Destroying Vital Habitat of Native Fish and many other species as well by Consuming that which was Never Intended to Feed Bovine Herds!! and Note the Total Percentage of Cattle Lost to Depredation is Less Then 4 % and That Includes Cougars and Bears and Wolves that between all three Species the total Cattle Killed is Less then 4% which should not mean that wolves deserve to be eradicated it means that Cattle Need to find Somewhere else to Graze because the Price is to high and Unwarranted not to Mention Unfair to the Native Wildlife! all of it...... 

 Understanding the Importance of all Creatures in Natures chain to the overall success or failure of every ecosystem on earth is Crucial for everyone to comprehend as soon as possible because therein lies wolves salvation Because again education will lead to Change and Humans like us will be Lighting the way for as Long as it is Necessary to Benefit everyone and everything Living here with us all Creatures great or Small have the Right to Live Free of Mankind's Hatred or Intolerance and regardless of Species or Geographic Location this will Always Be True and I Will Always Speak Out when We are Faltering as a Species as We are Today.... You are Better then What is Being Seen By the World from Those Running This Nation Into the Ground for Profit and Political favor...... Mike the Werewolf Collins 9/6/2016...... 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Protect the Wolves

Nothing in my life has meant as much to me as animal welfare! I am Human only with the soul of an animal living inside of My Body as There exists No need to Murder My Fellow Inhabitants that you all have no respect for to the point that you will kill anything that you fear or can not understand regardless of the Science advising against such foolishness...
Wolves have every right to attack and eat those cattle because they are driving away the wolves natural food supply with their presence in our forests and woodlands and valleys! Consuming the forage meant for indigenous animals to have to sustain themselves and their families while forcing the deer and elk to vacate the area as they know where cattle are found humans are not far behind! and Humans Kill for Fun and Sport even the least dangerous of natures Creatures without even an ounce of concern or a seconds hesitation...
And,We have a Responsibility to The Natural World to Maintain a Certain sense of balance and Diversity within the Realm of the natures children that quite frankly,We have not handled very well Humans!! However,We are Still Standing at the Precipice of Change with All Our Collective Strengths and None of Normal Humans Weaknesses So,Lets Make it Known That We are The Voice of the Changes that Must Be Initiated and Adhered to for all future generations of  both Wolves and Wildlife and of course our Children's children...
And,Never Fear the Perception of Society because,that will silence your voices and ignore your hearts direction causing much more harm then good to the very causes which we defend and to Yourself! the Guilt and Worry will Consume Your True Identity leaving you empty and unsatisfied and with little time left to Live because,We failed the Environment and the Wildlife while we failed ourselves in truth...
To those of you that do not know me? I am a wolf advocate because in the web that is our Universe All Creatures are Equal and Deserve the Right to live Free of Human Persecution and Murder Period as That is Gods Law and Men are Not Gods We are but Humble Servants to his will! Respecting the Natural worlds Inhabitants as they have Respected us since the dawn of Time until The End of Time if Necessary I will Fight Using the tools that I Was Blessed with My heart and soul and Knowledge to Free them all Before I am Done from Mankind's Ignorance and Greed and the Torment which You so Joyfully Inflict Upon my Brethren be they Canines or Canis Lupus aka Gray Wolves!
I will Never Relent Until All Animals are again Free to Live....
The Only thing I Fear is Leaving this Imbalanced World to My Children's Children!... Mike the Werewolf Collins 9/5/2016......

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Our Children are Watching

Are you all Cowards?is what they wonder of Us... Because,So many of You seem Content to allow Our Children to Fix what We have Not done enough to Change!..Understanding that We are all Complicit to This Countries Decline of Both Humanity and Direction is The First step towards Ownership and Ultimately Resolution!! But,You Have To Take the Steps People I Can Not Walk your Paths and nor can Your Children... Look I Will Be the First to Admit that I am Not Perfect! However,At Least I Am Doing Something Other Then Ignoring the Issues facing Our own survival or the survival of the multitude of species sharing this planet with us... Our Story is being written right now people and Nothing is Decided Unless We Give Up!!...

I Refuse To Surrender or Retreat as Right is always
Pulling My Strings and Having Knowledge of the 
Plight of 21st Century Animals Being Unacceptable 
to Me Leads Myself and Others to Make Damned sure You are Educated to the Best of Our Collective
ability regarding the Essential Nature of Predators 
Upon Collapsing or Imbalanced Ecosystems Today
In America and World Wide! To Increase Our Time
Spent Informing Humans Effectively is Desperately
Necessary With Incomprehensible Ignorance In the Lead of Humanity By Miles of  Crumbling asphalt 
and Wasted Potential at the moment....
Mike the Werewolf Collins 7-30-2016......

Friday, July 29, 2016

Deceivers Will Feign Interest in Tolerance and Acceptance Until Its Time To Deliver.

Even those closest to Us can often fool our Human
Radars with much less then foil packs! by showing
Interest in What makes You and I Tick The Trusted
around us all begin to attempt distractions ranging
from the typical complaints about the time we spend on-line advocating and culminate in break
ups and Divorces. and even though We cared more
for them then most of the Parasites we contact here
and In Our Home Towns Animals are what Matters
Most to Me! every since i was a child i have studied
Behaviors and Migrations and the Bonds in the 
Animal kingdom are Unbreakable and Remarkable 
even among predators of differing species company
matters more then Territory or Size of the animals.
to Bears and Wolves because,Loneliness is Not only
a humans Weakness or frailty all Sentient Creatures desire not to be alone for long without a
Companion to make the world seem a little More 
Like it should be! Dealing with Life's unforeseen
Obstacles gets seriously old quickly without those
Comforts such as Companionship and Loyalty being a Integral part of our day to day Lives and Loves...
I Have Chosen this Road of My Own Free Will Please Do Not Insert Yourself Between the Work I Do as A Volunteer Advocating for Wolves and Pit Bulls and Cats and other Forgotten shelter animals because,
Animals are Honest and Pure!! They are Innocent
and Essential Unlike People Easily Corrupted by
Greed and Egotistically people Are Arrogant and
Self Absorbed Caring Only for Their little Bubble of
 Ignorance Unless Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Into the Light of Truth...
Never turn your backs on the animals because We
are charged with Protecting every single Species
on The face of the Planet! and No One else Knows
Better then Mother Nature so Politicians Better let
Themselves Hear Our Pleas for Scientific Answers
to The Potential Toppling of the North American 
Ecosystems from Wisconsin to Washington State!
Currently Underway at the Expense of Tax Payers
Under Political Direction Derived out of Financial
Enrichment through Special Interests Like the Koch
Brothers and The Cattlemen's Associations Lawyers
And,We are Not Going to Sit by and Watch Them Kill the Only way to Biological and Ecological Sustainability and or Diversity Required to Ensure
All Things Will Survive Within From the Plants to
the Multitude of Animals Inhabiting Our Forests
and Valleys and Deserts and Mountains across the
Nations Geography from Sea to Shinning Sea We
Are Educators of the Masses Without the Means to
Be Silenced or Stopped Being Incorporated into our
D.N.A. We are The Offensive Minded Protectors of
Canis lupus And,We will Never Relent Without You
Surrendering the Forests Back to The Wolves after
Removing your Destructive Cattle from Our Wolves
Home Territory first!!.... 
Mike the Werewolf Collins 2016...... 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Avenger of the Innocent

without voices that humans can comprehend the many animals of this world would be in serious trouble if not for myself and my many Many colleagues in advocacy and activism around the world that speak for them on a daily basis selflessly giving our time and resources to make better the world for animals...
and while so many more are actually attempting to blame this nightmare on people like us making up doomsday scenarios because they can not see the correlation between animals and our own survival ?...
and quite frankly i am tired of explaining it to people that just refuse to understand no matter how perfectly it is outlined because,they do not hold the key to solving this obvious lack of education of the workings of the natural world so we pick and choose our battles and our strategies remain focused primarily upon educating the ignorant and continuing to push for change that must begin at the political level to reach the desired effect which would be national or nation wide if you will before there would be any type of measurable or tangible differences seen or felt by us or the nations wildlife including all genus of wolves and Bears and Cougars along with lessor Predators...

Monday, June 6, 2016

Revolution of Spiritual Directives

Being Spiritually Passive by Choice often Causes intense and Personal anguish to manifest itself in the form of anger or rage towards what seems to be,Cowardly and Unwarranted Aggression being visited upon our canine companions Without a second of consideration for the Loyal and Dedicated Nature of every single breed that we Humans are fortunate enough to Understand even better then we comprehend Peoples motivations Simply because Animals are free of Egotistical Desires or Wants that Corrupt so many human beings that wither under the pressures of Morality and Ethics which the Rest of Us try to incorporate Into Every Aspect of Our Lives so that Temptations will not Penetrate the Forces of Good that Shelter Our Feeble Humanity from Being Consumed by Parasitic Idealists That Feed off Our Positive Directions and Energies Like Demon Spawn Destroying All which is True and Sustainable....

MaC the Werewolf 2016...

the inception of conscious choices

Mankind the term leaves one thinking humans are nice or
kinder then the other species residing upon planet earth
in 2016! But,Factually Man are No More Kind then Savages would have behaved in the Jurassic period while dragging their mates home by the Hair of their heads without expressing any semblance of care
or loyalty or for a more accurate depiction the Term Obey
would not be uttered for thousands of years by Woman or Man! Meaning the Dinosaurs actually possessed far
superior intelligence and exhibited greater planning or
organizational skills then early Man! and They Held the
clear Dominance in the Dinning department without any
real effort being required to dethrone the earliest humans from measuring up in any category or from surviving if
the Dinosaurs would not have been selected for extinction by natures still developing environmental and
biological and ecological blue print which played havoc
with not just the dinosaurs but mankind's interference
in natures plan immediately began undermining the way
that predators maintained a natural balance by Killing
the Essential Predators Management became impossible to sustain for the first time ever ecological diversity and
sustainability were under attack by humans tilting the
delicate balance out of alignment through over hunting 
and ignorance of the effects of such foolish actions....
Ironically fast forward to the 21st century and Humans
are Still Ignorant to the Importance of Natural Processes 
towards sustaining biological and ecological Diversity 
and Balance within any given ecosystem.... Meaning we
have actually learned very little on the subject of balance
and management after thousands of years being the top
of the food chain....  MaC the Werewolf 2016...
  • Stella!!!!

Werewolf aka Lycanthrope

MaC the Werewolf Collins